Stomach Ache Therapeutic Essential Oil
Stomach Ache Therapeutic Essential Oil
Have you ever experienced a day when your stomach feels unsettled, you feel slightly nauseous, and everything seems off? One day, my son approached me asking if I had anything for an upset stomach. I had made an oil with ingredients that could address two different ailments, though I hadn't tested them yet. I told him he could give it a try and let me know how it worked. About ten minutes later, he returned to the kitchen, curious about what was in it because he felt relief, and it was fast. That feedback helped me decide the purpose of that bottle. I personally tried it on days when my stomach was quite upset, and in some instances, it completely alleviated my discomfort. On one occasion, it reduced cramps related to you know what, let's just say my bathroom visit was a lot more pleasant.
Ingredients :
Sweet Orange
Promote digestion, easing symptoms like bloating and nausea
Known to decrease the feeling of nausea.
Has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis
Grape seed Oil
- Easy to apply
- Do not have to ingest to get relief
- No worries about how its going to interact with your already upset stomach
- No side effects
Pour a quarter-size in your hand, rub all over your stomach in a circular motion, and add a little bit to your belly button. Can be used as many times as needed.
Warning: While this oil can be used on children, it's important to store it in a secure location to prevent ingestion and keep it out of reach of pets.
Precautions: Cold-pressed lemon oil can cause a phototoxic reaction in the sun.To avoid a reaction proper dilution is needed. I have done that for you but still be cautious when laying out in the sun.
Currently, we ship in the US. Most of our orders go out within 24 hours of purchase, Shipping generally takes 3-4 business days. Our store is located in North Carolina .