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Inherited Soil

Eczema Therapeutic Skin Natural Oil

Eczema Therapeutic Skin Natural Oil

Regular price $54.82 USD
Regular price Sale price $54.82 USD
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Eczema is one of those conditions where the underlying cause remains a mystery. Regardless of whether the weather is cold, hot, or dry, flare-ups can occur at any time. How can you effectively treat an issue when the root cause is unknown? When I discovered several oils that could help with eczema, I created a formula, keeping one of my god-nieces in mind. I recalled that she had been dealing with this since she was a baby, making her a perfect candidate for testing. After I provided her with a sample, she texted me to share that not only did it relieve the itching, but it also began to clear up the rash. I was truly amazed! I thought about all the people who could benefit from relief, and now I'm excited to share this miracle oil with you.



This oil has anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe inflamed skin. Bergamot 

This oil has antimicrobial and helps prevent infections that can occur when eczema damages the skin's top layer 


Jojoba Oil 


  • Immediate relief
  • easy to apply
  • skin improvement 


Use the oil daily by rubbing the oil in a circular motion on the affected area. It can be used daily to soothe and clear up skin rash 

Warnings: While this oil can be used on children, it's important to store it in a secure location to prevent ingestion and keep it out of reach of pets.

Precautions: When using Bergamot be cautious while in the sun to avoid phototoxicity.


Currently, we ship in the US. Most of our orders go out within  24 hours of purchase, Shipping generally takes 3-4 business days. Our store is located in North Carolina .


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